Hospitality Ministry
WITM’s hospitality ministry is comprised of three areas: ushers/greeters; food coordination; and altar workers. These ministries demonstrate the love of Christ at the door, the table, and the altar.
Music Ministry
The music ministry of WITM was created to elevate each congregants worship experience through songs of praise, worship and instrumentation. All of this is done to the glory of God.
Men of Empowerment (M.O.E.)
M.O.E was created with the purpose “…to teach that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.” (Deut. 8:3) WITM’s M.O.E. serves to encourage men in the knowledge and belief that they have value and that they are valuable to God.
Women of Empowerment (W.O.E.)
W.O.E is a space created for women to share, cry, pray, receive support and direction through the Word of God.
Children’s/Youth Ministry
The primary task of youth ministry to: love youth where they are; encourage youth in developing their relationship to God; provide them with opportunities for nurture and growth; and to challenge them to respond to God’s call to serve in their communities and world.
Audio/Visual Ministry
This team is responsible for the technical presentation and distribution of all visual and audible broadcasts.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
This team serves to ensure the safety of all individuals visiting the physical church campus or outreach activity sponsored by the ministry.