What is One Faith?
One Faith is a God inspired initiative to unify and encourage the church to operate exclusively in the authority of God’s word. One Faith is the vehicle through which churches can combine resources and gifts in order to advance God’s kingdom. Every person in every church assembly has been given a gift by God. It is our responsibility to ensure that those gifts are utilized in a manner that impacts our communities in a positive way.
Purpose of One Faith?
Although the structure and traditions of churches may vary, the Great Commission of Jesus Christ is the same. Mark 16:15 instructs us to “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” In order for this assignment to be successful, the church must be on one accord and walk together in the spirit of unity. Without unity, there is no peace. Without peace, the enemy is given room to sow conflict and doubt within the church. The sole purpose of One Faith is not only to stand against the enemy, but to present an offensive attack that challenges the enemy where he is most comfortable, the streets of our communities.
Works of One Faith?
One Faith is an organization that operates completely in the authority given to us through Jesus Christ (Col. 2:10). We humbly submit to the will of God and avail ourselves to minister in areas that are many times overlooked. We challenge the traditional ministry mindset that often constrains ministry into the four walls of the building, and allow God to lead us into all righteousness. This freedom from the bonds of religiosity permits us the ability to minister to the lost using unconventional methods, but always orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.
Current Ventures:
Community Outreach – Community Outreach is a Christ-like approach that connects with our community in a non-traditional manner. Walking and bike riding through neighborhoods that allows the church to be better able to focus on the specific and immediate needs of God’s people. Neighborhoods that we evangelize may vary from week to week, but we consistently canvas areas that are in need of prayer and reassurance of God’s love.